Causality Multiplication

Research going back as far as a report from (McKinsey Research 2015) sight that most organizations are using less than 10% of the data streamed from their IoT devices. Mostly because IoT is first implemented as a point solution to fix a problem and no one has the time or opportunity to exploit all the data these devices produce. The report goes on to say that this number gets as low as 1% as the number of available sensors on the equipment increases.
Cypernex by design uses an automated approach to commissioning of device and corresponding applications, that facilitates extending and cloning new capabilities across an entire fleet or ecosystem.
John Hughes (Hughes J, Jan 2020) of Corex Plastics says

we have a trial running using OFS On-Line and Production monitoring software that sends its data to the cloud. Production control is the intended user of this system, but that’s where it stops. I can see the advantage of taking that data and repurposing it and / or combining so it can be used to produce management information that consolidates production, plant and auxiliary equipment. One immediate benefit would be predictive maintenance and equipment life cycle management, that requires data from multiple sources across the plant.

For this example Cypernex recommended a local gateway device that acted as an OPC-UA client and server to receive and pass on RS422 connected sensor data to downstream production management and simultaneously stores data in local time series database for use by analytics and ML.
As it passes into the data stream applications, specific data features are examined and Cypernex status engine recognises features (because they use standardized naming conventions) and begins recording (learning) new states of operation such as “what is normal”, “what sensors data tells us when its running at full capacity” etc. Now simple telemetry data recorded from equipment in production is giving new information used for predictive maintenance, life-cycle management and more.
As a few more sensors are added or production planning forecasts downloaded from ERP the platform is manufacturing new data based on the advise of management that produces valuable information previously unavailable.
Causality here is started by siphoning data from an existing data stream then allowing Cypernet to split this into new type of information, that when combined with other data created knowledge we might not of had access to.
What we receive has much greater benefit from the data than the sum of all the parts we used. This is causality multiplication.
Causality here is started by siphoning data from an existing data stream then allowing Cypernet to split this into new type of information, that when combined with other data created knowledge we might not of had access to.
What we receive has much greater benefit from the data than the sum of all the parts we used. This is causality multiplication.

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