Established and secure
Who is Cypernex?
Cypernex is the IoT technology arm of Cypernet Pty Ltd a cloud application provider established in 2016. It’s offering is hardware, software and cloud platform. Cypernex is vendor agnostic and does not store your IoT data on its servers.
Cypernex manages your fleet residing in our chosen cloud platform, using that providers API/CLI and its role is to automate the tasks needed to setup and manage your services hosted in one or more cloud platforms. You could disconnect Cypernex from your IoT fleets and they would continue to run.
Data security, sovereignty and privacy are still reliant on the IoT cloud platform providers infrastructure. Cypernex’s role is to make the management of fleets across multiple platforms simple, transparent, productive and versatile.
Cypernex makes IoT fleet management simple.
- Centralize control of IoT infrastructure
- IoT physical, digital and virtual assets managed at scale
- Leverages IoT cloud platform providers infrastructure

Cypernex categorizes existing infrastructure and then assists with the expansion and management of IoT devices into new and existing fleets.
IoT platforms tend to manage devices as “things” with ambiguious entry points called “applications”. These are loosly grouped by Hubs or groups and are just the first stage collection of data and will require considerable additional custom software development before an operational businesss solution is on line.
What makes Cypernex different is that it forms collections of devices, data pipelines, applications and tools that form a business solution and manages each according to their needs. IoT devices, smart equipment, even virtual machines, docker containers are assets have intrinsic value, setup, service, maintenance and lifecycle management. These assets spread across cloud and private networks are all esential for business continuity and require appropriate governance.
Firstly multi-cloud is the principle of allowing infrastructure including devices, software and services to be hosted on any cloud providers infrastructure.
This is important for a number of reasons. Firstly each vendor has it’s own unique offering that depending on the IoT use-case may be more suitable. For example: AWS had at the time of writing the largest range of products for use in the cloud, Azure has leverage when integrating to ERP and is more cost effective in some configurations. Google has the tensor engine and has made considerable contributions in the fields of Ai/ML. As a consequence your firm will benefit from the ability to mix and match offerings to gain access to appropriate services needed in a use-case.
Next is Vendor lock in. The ability to switch vendors if that vendor policy, service or pricing becomes constrictive is essential. Then backup and redundancy. If your firm is able to distribute copies of its infrastructure over multiple providers it is able to hedge again unforseen economic or world events impacting it’s business continuity.
Business continuity is not only protected by Multi-cloud. IoT fleets are vulerable to environmental, physical, calibration drift etc as well as the same risks experienced by IT/IT ops infrastructure.
What makes Cypernex different is that the platform enforces the use of interoperability standards between the varied technologies used from telemetry data collection to dashboard presentation. The preferences or assumptions of a single developers are not locked away in source code burried in a microservice, they are instead encapsulated by the platform for all future teams to understand and reuse.
The operational principle of the platform is to create fully functional “products” that can be deployed many times and operational over multiple sites with a single click, as opposed to creating development projects that are (at great expense) custom made for each and every deployment.
- Uses secure cloud infrastructure
- Centralize control
- Manage devices, software, pipeline
- IoT ecosystem independant
- Multi-cloud reduces risk