Leverage all IoT capabilities
Research going back as far as a report from (McKinsey Research 2015) sight that most organizations are still only using less than 10% of the data streamed from their IoT devices.
The reason is that IoT device manufacturers tend to pack as many types of data and information into the data package as possible so the device can serve a broader range of use-cases. Engineers implementing IoT will usually only configure the device to perform the designated tasks, leaving a wide range of data topics to go to waste.
- Ingest all the data sent from IoT devices
- Ingest from smart equipment and plant equipment
- Clone existing production control data streams for new purposes
- Combine (reprocess) data from across the organization for new knowledge

Existing Modbus/SCADA devices connected to an on site OPC-UA client/server gateway extracts and passes through data strreams in an industrial/commercial setting. As a consequence existing systems are untouched and the data from existing equipment can be repurposed.
In a similiar manner siphoning and repurposing Lora,Sigfox, NB streams into Cypernex data streams provides opportunity to use this data in new ways or to combine with other enterprise data to produce new insights and automation.
IoT ecosystems typically have close to 60% of their full potential realized in the initial project and the remaining is discovered over time.
IoT is as much an organizational capability as it is devices and pipelines. Whilst using your IoT ecosystem to deliver new soltions your teams invariably discover new uses for the infomation yur creating. The Cypernex platform then makes it easy for the business user to repurpose information for new use-cases without always relying upon technician or developer assistance.
Its a fair assumption that you may of once (before you learned to drive) considered a drive to the local shop daunting and now consider a drive to the country enjoyable.
By the time your Cypernex IoT ecosystems are deployed your teams will be skilled and confident at cloning, duplicating, modifying and commissioning IoT at scale. When senior management ask for new initiatives, teams have the capability and knowhow to deploy and manage IoT projects quickly.
The flow on effect is increased Business confidence, teams are incentivised to collaborate and develop new ideas and efficiencies. Almost overnight your IoT capabilities are a part of the culture and have their own inertia.
- Ingest / use all available data
- Leverage existing machinery data
- Repurpose what you have
- New commercial insights
- Increase business confidence