Targeted outcomes
Precision innovation
IoT projects usually require a different approach to justifcation. Whilst its sometimes possible to justify a project on new revenue or cost saving in practice these outcomes can be subjective.
The most common obstacles to adoption include: Culture of the company; lack of a clear strategy; including a clear business case; and knowledge of which technologies to use.
As a consequence IoT projects more often are started as a means to deliver on a C-Level objective and as a further consequence may ultimately deliver many additional benefits previously unforeseen.
Sample C-Level funded initiatives where IoT would help:
- Improve product market appeal
- Overcome quality issues
- Grow recuring revenue streams
- Comply with emerging standards or regulations
- Lower cost of delivery
- Position firm as premium supplier
- Make it easier to do business with us

Sample IoT projects C-Level initiatives:
- Improve product market appeal
-> Improved functionality, easier access
-> Best out of the box experience - Overcome quality issues
-> Need better monitoring and response systems
-> Need better maintenance and production planning - Create new revenue streams
-> Produce cut down version of your product
-> Provide supporting services (remotely) - Grow recurring revenue stream
-> Shift from product supply to supply of services using your product
-> Remote management / external labour force to manage your product
-> Preventatve maintenance services - Comply with emerging standards or regulations
-> Introduce new saftey standards before they become compulsary
-> Demonstrate compliance with Foyer display and homepage dashboard widgets
-> Demonstrated material source, freshness by automating supply chanin - Lower the cost of delivery
-> Streamline/automate production, inventory and supply chain processes
-> Share data through supply chain driving down costs improving efficiencies - Position firm as the premium supplier in the market
-> Support local community / educational institutin initiatives
-> Internships / apprentice training and skills development
-> Support industry associations and share IP developed for sustainability initiatives - Make it easier to do business with us
-> Website Click and Deliver automated assembly/provisioning
-> Mobile app to add / plan (measure and quote) your order with us
As experts in your industry and form your in the best position to select WHAT will provide the best outcomes.
As experts in IoT technology, projects, services and equipment Cypernex is in the best position to select HOW these outcomes could be acheived using IoT.
Many projects are slow to start or lead to a dead end because of the relative newness of IoT, firms are often unaware of whats possible. By combining our respective experiences your in the best position to determine WHAT HOW’s ARE POSSIBLE.
The result are projects with a very realistic, clear and TARGETED OUTCOME.
Equipped with answers to the WHAT and HOW your IoT project will deliver value to the business, a Cypernex structured project methodology is the best way to guarantee all parties deliver as promised.
Once the technologies to have been selected and a POC that proves the use-case is valid, by following the Cypernex project methodology and using the SaaS platform to automate commissioning and deliver the project on time and on budget.
- Deliver on C-Level initiatives
- Digital strategy
- Technology selection
- Program management
- Project delivery