
Solid IoT infrastructure

Cypernex leverages the enterprise grade security and reliability of Tier-1 IoT cloud platforms, alongside nimble and flexible IoT connectivity platforms, open-source applications and vertical market application providers.

Cypernex manages the varied terminology and structures of each platform providing consistency, reliability and redundancy. In Azure Hubs are a collection of applications, in AWS it’s a group. In Google and Azure Cypernex uses functions for server functionality whereas in AWS its Lamdas. Cypernex manages these complexities and variations so you don’t have to.

Naming conventions, hierarchies are consistent across platforms and not subject to human error.

Uptime, servicing, triage and life cycle management are built into the platform for outage prediction and response, upgrades and life cycle management.

Reduced risk

IoT projects expose an organization to a variety of risks. Cost overrun, breached security or access, data privacy, sovereignty and misleading results from calibration, data blind spots, omission or human error.

As with any project, risk can and should be managed by those with the experience and toolset required to manage at scale.

Cypernex removes the possibilities of human error in 3 ways: Standardization, automated CLI/API platform integration and use-case collections of applications, devices and resources needed to deploy an IoT solution.

Reduced risk

IoT projects expose an organization to a variety of risks. Cost overrun, breached security or access, data privacy, sovereignty and misleading results from calibration, data blind spots, omission or human error.

As with any project, risk can and should be managed by those with the experience and toolset required to manage at scale.

Cypernex removes the possibilities of human error in 3 ways: Standardization, automated CLI/API platform integration and use-case collections of applications, devices and resources needed to deploy an IoT solution.

Reduced cost of ownership

Cost of ownership is changed exponentially whenever you introduce wages and potential for human error.

Cypernet amongst other things is a platform designed to perform IoT management tasks automatically. A single deployment of a small fleet of devices deployed by a technical team will exceed the cost of a 5 year Cypernex subscription.

By comparing costs of upgrades, monitoring, intellectual property development, maintaining and supporting Intellectual Property to the Cypernex subscription there is an additional  cost justification.

Then factoring in the additional levels of management, distractions from primary business model, service, support, upgrade costs and the business case for cost saving is clear

Additional revenue streams

If you’re a systems integrator or a managed service provider Cypernex provides suppliers and customers with IoT ecosystems that generate value, new income streams and increased competitive advantage for you and your customers.

Firms investing in IoT are in this post COVID are investing in future proofing their organization with smart technologies.

Smart technologies automating repetitive or mundane tasks are a way to reduce costs. Smart technologies that predict patterns and produce insights help the firm navigate the tides of change they might otherwise miss.

Equipped with flexible adaptable technologies customer are free to dream up new and smart ways to disrupt their industry.

The cost of technology excursion has come down with Cypernex and your customers are free to exploit it.

Additional revenue streams

If you’re a systems integrator or a managed service provider Cypernex provides suppliers and customers with IoT ecosystems that generate value, new income streams and increased competitive advantage for you and your customers.

Firms investing in IoT are in this post COVID are investing in future proofing their organization with smart technologies.

Smart technologies automating repetitive or mundane tasks are a way to reduce costs. Smart technologies that predict patterns and produce insights help the firm navigate the tides of change they might otherwise miss.

Equipped with flexible adaptable technologies customer are free to dream up new and smart ways to disrupt their industry.

The cost of technology excursion has come down with Cypernex and your customers are free to exploit it.

Standards and compliance

IoT technologies are at this point in time largely an unregulated industry. Each IoT platform adopts standards that best suite it’s product or use-case.

The Cypernex platform adopts the integration requirements of technologies overlaid by operational consistency that enforces usability and conventions across all platforms.

An organization using Cypernex has the tools to manage governance over devices, communication and application access.

The potential for error in configuring and deploying is removed reducing cost of ownership, risk of loss from error and malfunction.

Knowledge / Skill sharing

Team skills index grows rapidly with Cypernex. Technicians unburdened with complex API connectors and CLI calls, can focus attention on business and use-case outcomes.

Skills are developed and shared at the application and use-case level. Underlying technology is managed by the platform leaving workers to build domain expertise quickly.

Watch for Cypernex training and skill share programs starting in 2023 and if your serious about improving your skillset, try our “virtual-live-in” program. This program works by your project team members joining Cypernex developers and experts as “live-in” virtual team members that work daily on your project.

Knowledge / Skill sharing

Team skills index grows rapidly with Cypernex. Technicians unburdened with complex API connectors and CLI calls, can focus attention on business and use-case outcomes.

Skills are developed and shared at the application and use-case level. Underlying technology is managed by the platform leaving workers to build domain expertise quickly.

Watch for Cypernex training and skill share programs starting in 2023 and if your serious about improving your skillset, try our “virtual-live-in” program. This program works by your project team members joining Cypernex developers and experts as “live-in” virtual team members that work daily on your project.

Leverage AI + ML + experience

The Cypernex platform evolves over time into the ideal environment for combining technology with experience.

Its embedded status engine examines data streams for patterns previously proven to contribute to events or outcomes.

Status engines draws from predictions, benchmarks, operating guidelines learned over time and ratified by your nominated experts.

Your year-on-year investment is no longer directed to supporting teams of technicians linking sensors and building connectors.

Your available budget can instead be applied to developing the use of data to yield better quality information, informed decision making, and smarter control systems.

Post Covid-19 initiatives

Our world is changing as we learn to live in our  post COVID 19 epidemic worlds. With the goal of reducing community transfer of the virus IoT based systems for remote processing, control and monitoring of facilities are of obvious advantage,

Cypernex will in support of any new Covid-safe initiative donate a 5 year starter pack subscription and an additional $10,000, dollar for dollar sponsorship of any project consulting needed to get the project up and running.

(T&C’s apply).

Post Covid-19 initiatives

Our world is changing as we learn to live in our  post COVID 19 epidemic worlds. With the goal of reducing community transfer of the virus IoT based systems for remote processing, control and monitoring of facilities are of obvious advantage,

Cypernex will in support of any new Covid-safe initiative donate a 5 year starter pack subscription and an additional $10,000, dollar for dollar sponsorship of any project consulting needed to get the project up and running.

(T&C’s apply).

Future proof infrastructure

Human kind is in general is aware of and keen to adopt new technologies that will enhance our lives.  We at Cypernex wish and hope you will share our vision that technological ideas are just ideas until they have a useful purpose and true innovation mandates that we first seek that purpose. To that end the platform has been designed from the ground up to evolve and adopt new capabilities as they come on offer.

Cypernex status engine, predictive learning and triple twins are just a few examples of our striving to overcome traditional boundaries separating successful commercial interoperability between IoT, Ai and VR.

But why stop there?

The R&D investment in these initiatives has only served to teach us there are more challenges worth toppling so our platforms evolve with you, as your future unfolds.

Augmented / Virtual Reality

Cypernex believes that for IoT to reach its full potential given the sheer volume of data it produces; it will eventually become reliant on Ai and VR. In early 2019 Cypernex embarked on its journey to develop functional interoperability between ioT enabled smart devices and their counterparts in VR. To that end the first operational versions of a true VR interface were created. These early prototypes are available for trial under our Beta program open to members of the development council.

The technology derives its capability from two key developments, a Virtual-OS that resides on the VR appliance and the Virtual gateway running in Cypernex SaaS platform.

Between these two technologies a user experience is created where whatever happens in the physical world, also happens in the virtual world. But what is really interesting is that whatever the operator does or causes in the virtual world, is also carried out by IoT in the physical world!

Each person in VR has their own unique avatar and can transition between millions of scenes without running our of space on their physical device.

Cypernex invites applications from sponsors willing to trial these technologies in their workplace or community and be a party to the emergence of this exciting new technology.

Augmented / Virtual Reality

Cypernex believes that for IoT to reach its full potential given the sheer volume of data it produces; it will eventually become reliant on Ai and VR. In early 2019 Cypernex embarked on its journey to develop functional interoperability between ioT enabled smart devices and their counterparts in VR. To that end the first operational versions of a true VR interface were created. These early prototypes are available for trial under our Beta program open to members of the development council.

The technology derives its capability from two key developments, a Virtual-OS that resides on the VR appliance and the Virtual gateway running in Cypernex SaaS platform.

Between these two technologies a user experience is created where whatever happens in the physical world, also happens in the virtual world. But what is really interesting is that whatever the operator does or causes in the virtual world, is also carried out by IoT in the physical world!

Each person in VR has their own unique avatar and can transition between millions of scenes without running our of space on their physical device.

Cypernex invites applications from sponsors willing to trial these technologies in their workplace or community and be a party to the emergence of this exciting new technology.
